Thursday, July 2

So Much For Resting

I wrote yesterday, that the basic plan was to "veg" all day. Of course, like everything in my Life, that didn't get to happen.

Daughter called in the morning, said she wanted to get together with a friend. No big deal, I don't make her ask permissions for things - she is an adult. Oh, but could I watch my Doodad for a couple hours. I said yes, of course, because it is my Doodad.... but by the time they got over here, I was having second thoughts. I am not a patient person when dealing with screaming kids, but I figured I had the two boys here, they could help. So she was dropped off and the Daughter ran for the hills.

The first half hour she cried and screamed for her Mommy. Typical. I was trying to distract with Disney cartoons that she watches at home. No luck. Finally asked one of the boys to help, and he would carry her on his shoulders around the house (which she loves him doing). I laid down for a bit, as I already had a headache coming on.

With the help of the two boys, their plans of coming/going, myself, a bloody nose, and a traffic delay of about an hour.... that "watch her for two hours? ended after 4+. Bloody nose? She was teasing our dog, and got nipped at. A tooth caught just the inside of her nose and scratched her. Nothing bad. But she was told not to tease the dog.

Needless to say, it was a long day for me. I went to bed wiped out. And back up early today.... damn sleep issues.


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