Wednesday, July 1

A Day of Rest ...Sorta

The first part of this week has been sort of busy. RM and PT have been in the process of moving homes. I volunteered my boys as extra muscle. I just kind of hung around and made small talk. Monday was the busier day, and we were to help out yesterday, but I overslept. Which in itself was nice with the sleep issues I have been having. The Daughter surprised us all with a trip into town, and so in the end we did end up going over RM's new place so they could see my Doodad and Daughter.

Today I am resting up. The Middle Son had plans for today, and the Youngest Son is whiny about how sore he is (yesterday - he's still asleep at this moment). I am a bit sore for not doing much. Lower back and knees. Might be because of more walking than usual... I dunno. Daughter might be by again today before heading back to Tucson. She is not quite sure of her plans as of last night.

Guess that's all I got for now...


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