Tuesday, January 8

Feeling the Good coming on!

I left after only a half day at work yesterday. I had nothing on my desk to complete, and I was still obviously not feeling up to par. It was pouring down rain and I just wanted to get out of the office and relax somewhere. So I did. I went to the pub and drank some Jack and Buds, read my book, and just mellowed in a warm environment. I woke up at 6 this morning to take the daughter to school, and I could breathe! Hardly any cough, no runny nose. I think I am starting to feel better already! Watch it just be a coincidence and I will relapse by the weekend. No, I don't think so.

So, I am feeling good, somewhat energetic, and ready to work - on what? Yesterday I was told I would have some new files today, but nothing yet. It is pretty early still though. I bet half the office isn't even in yet. I suppose there will be another meeting about what time we are supposed to start - even if the bosses aren't here, etc, etc. I could use a time waster like that today!

Welp, I actually had someone come in and bring me some work to do. I'll be back later!


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