Wednesday, January 23

The Well seems to be drying up

It's later in the day than when I regularly try to get a post up. It is definitely not because I am extremely busy with work or anything, though today was better than most. No, the reason is simply I have nothing much to input. Seems some other places I read have come up with this contagious disease and it is spreading fast.

Tonight holds nothing special. From work I am headed to the gym. Then down to the pub to help celebrate a birthday. One of the guys on the softball team. However, by the time I get there, he may be already gone. He has one of those jobs were he gets off mid afternoon, whereas I don't leave my cell until most of rush hour traffic is gone - plus the gym time which I desperately need to take care of.

I think tomorrow I shall try to delve into the depths of my head and see if I can get some story started. Or maybe some memory that is worthy of sharing to the masses. In the meantime, have a good evening, or morning depending on when you read this.


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