Tuesday, March 8

Resuming Normal

Things are back on track today. Feeling better, a bit empty, but better. Getting ready to head out for the walking this morning in about 30 minutes. So, everything feels back to what goes for normal for me.

The oldest son has a 'regular' band concert tonight - as opposed to the Honor one just last week, and the other one coming up. Again, I was just told this morning of it because the Wife 'remembered' to tell me finally. Seems she and Grandma (my MIL) get to see the notifications the school sends home with the important dates of concerts, school out days, etc, but I only get to mark them on the calendar at home if I hear about them. Usually that is the day of the event.Sigh. Good thing I don't have to worry about leaving work early or anything.

Nothing new and exciting to talk about today. Finished my book yesterday, and starting a 2-in-1 now by Patricia Briggs. I enjoyed the simple writing style of her Mercedes Thompson series, as has my daughter. I shall have the new one of the series next month. This one I am starting includes her first work, and a sequel. Be interesting to read how different her style has become.

Come back some other day. I am sure something non-different and boring will still be happening.


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