Tuesday, March 22

Walking in the Park

Ahhhh, this morning's jaunt with Preacher Tom was a good one. We had to delay from yesterday to today due to rain. We (meaning I) was able to do the whole circuit of half the park, and pushed for just a bit more. I still felt I could do more, but decided that would be pushing it too far. Our second day this week we are planning on Friday morning, and I hope to do at least the same amount we did today. Either way, I am not near as tired, or sore. this morning, and really do feel like doing more... but sensibility tells me not to overdue it.

Don't know if I mentioned it, but the oldest son pulled a trick over Spring Break. Sunday afternoon he "remembers" he has homework due Monday. The Wife and I were sure I had asked Friday starting Spring Break if there was homework to be done (thinking a bigger English project, etc) but he swears we didn't ask. I couldn't recall 100% I had asked, so benefit of the doubt went to him. However, he knows the rules of homework first. So he got in trouble for that. Two weeks no ipod or TV. I was a bit surprised he had pulled this, though he has pulled the last minute homework stunt several times this school year... I guess I should not be surprised. Needless to say, the question is going to be asked more often now.

The Wife has started her new job and seems to enjoy it. Of course, 1 day isn't going to change that much. They had not completely put her 'in the system' so yesterday was a bit shorter for her. Today hopefully she will be able to do her regular stuff. The drive added about 10 minutes in the morning drive-time, and not sure about the drive home. Since she was off a bit early yesterday, today we hope to find out. Should be about the same, as most traffic will be heading west, as she is heading east.

The youngest son had a stomach bug yesterday. He woke with a bad case of the throw-ups and diarrhea. He was feeling better last night, so hopefully no one else in the house got it.

That's ti for today. I am relaxing and playing some classical movements today from iTunes.


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