Friday, February 3

Gaining on me....

I did my weigh-in at the gym this morning, and I am not happy. I gained. I'm not going to say how much, because almost any amount is depressing. As I went through my workout, I tried to think back this past week and try to figure out where I ate too much, or maybe something that would bring on the weight, like a heavier food type. I could come up with nothing.

Then I started trying to formulate some sort of excuse. Why would I gain? Now that I am back to exercising, shouldn't there be a small amount of loss, if nothing else? It's only been one week since I got the cast off, and resumed workouts. Maybe because getting my body adjusted back to working out, and not being at the level of activity I was before is just some residual effect of the gain. Sounds plausible, but is it true? I know my eating habits didn't change, but you would think I would have gained more while the cast was on, rather than the one week when I return to the gym....

I think it was about then I had the reason. Or at least one I think is the bigger part of it.

I haven't been drinking. No, I am not referring to water, etc. I am talking about beer and whiskey. I normally get out to the pub once or twice a week, for an evening out with the buds, and have a few. I usually skip dinner as when I get home (later in the night) I am not hungry (meaning I had too much beer). Yes, I know that it is empty calories, and high intake. But, since I am not out, I am eating supper, so it sounds to me like a more valid reasoning.

I guess I should fix that and get my ass out drinking more. Sounds fine, but I don't think the Wife would like it.


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