Sunday, February 5

Presidential Party Selection

Friday I received in the mail, the Republican ballot for Pres. Party Selection. Obviously I received it as when I first registered, I had put Republican as my party preference. Just like during any type of campaign period, I receive 99% Republican flyers, etc, rather than an equal number from all parties.

Either way, I figured there would be a handful of candidates to choose from (not that it is an easy choice among them). Wrong. There are just under 25 candidates on this ballot. Three-fourths of them I have never heard of before. I have a few days before this ballot needs to be returned (in AZ) but still.... the time it will take to research and review each person, to see if I feel that they would be my best selection, will take even longer.

In many ways, I feel like I am down to flipping a coin and letting that decide who to select. But how does one do that with so many candidates? Put the first together and flip? Or first and last, and move inwards? I got it! Draw numbers to assign to each one, then draw up a playoff diagram! One winner for all brackets!

Yeah, sometimes I feel that that is how our President gets elected. It's so hard to believe any politician, if you spend the time reading what their website says because obviously they are going to say things that put them in the best light. Just like if you read an opponent's view, it would be the worst.

So how does one best select a candidate, that would do the best job for their interests? Or is it anymore, not about who WOULD do the best, but who can SAY they would?


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