Monday, February 6

Over For Another Year

This year's "big match-up" for the SuperBowl was no big deal to me. I do not care for either team. I will admit though, it was a good opportunity to get with some friends and have a good time. This year, I went over to the BIL of a friend. This BIL always has a great party, with lots of family, friends and food. I had attended one several years ago, and remember the fun I had then. RM & PT invited me over to watch the game with them, but I didn't feel like going over there. Okay, I'll be honest. I hoped to go somewhere where I could have a couple beers. I called up my buddy, and he told me to come on over, so I did. By the end of the first quarter, I had a couple beers in me, and a plate full of food. By halftime, I was ready for a nap.

The party, as is the norm, was thrown out in the garage and drive. Yes, weather in AZ this year was so nice, we had the garage door up, and tables spread out. Only one large screen TV, so if you were out of the garage, you couldn't hear it, but you could at least see the action going on. Which was fine for me. I spent more time talking to friends and others I hadn't seen in awhile. Kids were running around everywhere, though I hadn't brought mine. They even did some fireworks after the game. I helped clean up, then headed home, feeling VERY tired.

That brings us into Monday morning. I am not making it to the gym this morning as the youngest son is coughing, and sounding congested int he chest. He is spending the day at home rather than in school. We also felt he shouldn't be over at Grandma's as with Grandpa, he is more easily susceptible to getting sick. So here's to hoping I don't get it, and that no one else in our family does...especially considering the two younger sons share a room.

The younger son is sitting at the other computer watching YouTube videos of Lego people, and T-rexes. He's so easily amused!


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