Tuesday, June 19

Using a Sick Day

My youngest son is sick today. I awoke prior to 6:30am to the sound of him throwing up. Followed just a few short minutes later by him crying because, in his half awake state, his underwear filled with some 'soupy poop' somehow without his knowledge. Yeah, you can tell it is going to be one of them days. After the quick clean-up, he was given some Pepto, and currently he is asleep again... on my bed. He better not have an accident there.

Taking the kids to the church yesterday to play to the water activities must have really worn them out. The middle son was to pick something special to do today, as a reward. He had ended up taking two naps yesterday afternoon/evening, and still looked pretty beat near bedtime. I had asked if he had decided what he would like to do, and he didn't know. Actually, he just said he just wanted to stay home. What?!? Yeah. Stay home. I knew he wasn't feeling completely there. I offered instead to just postpone the special thing to a later date, and he was fine with that. Today is his turn to have the day at home with Dad though.... after we visit the MIL's for her weekly grocery trip.

I'm a bit cranky this morning. Must be because of the youngest not feeling well. Just got done getting after the oldest son. He was making himself comfortable on my bed. I told him I don't use his room to sleep in, so he shouldn't use mine. Add the fact that his younger brother is sleeping there, sick, and I don't need him waking him up and start him hollering. I got the glare, and him stomping across the house to very nearly slam his door. I swear, today he just might get the dressing down he deserves if he doesn't knock this shit off. Yeah, I'm a bit cranky.

Feeling like it could be a long one....


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