Tuesday, October 13

Is What IT Is....

 Not talking IT,,,, literally I could care less. They help those that need it. My RM needs it at times. It is not a bad thing. Some people have the right idea of doing the things the company need/want. When it comes to RM, it's a different matter.

Enough about her for now.

I have had a wonderful world working with people that know how to use computers. Many that are above and beyond me at what I know, but that is why the help the company. I admit, most times they know more than I when it comes to computers. 

But 'what if'...... I knew more than them. I could hack systems. I could 'like in TV shows' be the bad guy. Do I want to be? No. But what if.....

What IF?

Things we can only imagine, because most of us know it ain't true. WI we did that.. WI we did those.... WI we just did...   It's stupid.

Most of us don't think them things, cuz it's worthless.... to us. Other peoples might, because they don't know no better. And we don't spend time watching them.

Life is. If we watch those that never needed, or those that do need, we spend time watching instead of living life.

 But if we save one.... keep watching. I bet you don't save one while watching, but while you live life. Share some time with someone. Maybe the weird story helps them.


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