Friday, October 16

Wasting Time

 Somedays I feel like that is all I am doing.... wasting time. Waiting on job offers. Waiting on responses. Waiting waiting waiting. Seems such a waste of time. Haven't heard anything from the new company, so decided I needed to open myself to the thought of other job offers. Though, that search is going about as well as it was when we were all supposed to be quarantined in our homes. Sigh.

That being said, I haven't been doing much of anything to comment on. Spend most of my days on the computer. Not necessarily playing games, but I do some of that as well. Catching up on television series/shows. Exciting I know.

Today is my brother's birthday. I wonder if he has plans for this evening. normally I would call him and ask, but with some of the drama going on with is family, I don't think I will, though it would be nice to go out and have a few drinks together. Probably for the best....

Heard the Daughter may be coming into town this weekend again. Always love seeing my Doodad. Not 100% about them coming up though.


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