Tuesday, October 6

So Glad I Am Not in the Middle!

 The Daughter and Doodad headed home this evening, and have made it safe. It truly was good to see them both, and they have plans to be back up soon, in a few short weeks. I got some Papaw and Doodad time in, so I feel good. Since last time I have seen her (Labor Day) it seems she has grown some more, and her vocabulary has improved to the point I can understand most of what she says now. Soon it will be time for her and I to go out and get into trouble.... and have ice cream.

This morning, as I do most every morning, I read RM's blog. She mentioned some family drama that went on this weekend. Mostly it was my Brother and his current wife. And the drama drew in a cousin that is staying at my brother's for now. Also my niece as she lives there as well. I sat here and thought for a bit, then texted Sis to get the details. Oh boy, were there some details! I sat here and laughed at most of what she told me that happened. Not so much at the humor of the situation, but at the fact that everyone knows to not include me when this drama happens. My Brother knows I would not be happy if he dragged me into it, and I'm pretty sure RM and Sis know it too. And none of them have, even if I called for details.

RM wrote in her blog about 'calling oneself a Christian', and how others accuse you how can you call yourself that if you blame a person, who in most appearances, is at fault. And both parties claim to be Christian, and the other cannot be..... All I know is I haven't proclaimed to be of any religious belief, and I certainly feel free to point at who I think is at fault. I also take what I feel is any necessary steps to remove that influence from me and mine.... no questions asked, and as quick as lightning, with no chance for any possible explanation. My judgement - my punishment - I'll live my life.

I got to rambling about that more than I meant.... RM reads here and I know she knows how I am. I'm not looking to change any time soon.


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