Tuesday, October 20

Where NOT to Talk Politics and Religion

 Yesterday afternoon I took a trip over to my favorite pub. I was looking forward to getting some reading done on the current book I have loaded on my tablet, but that was not to be. As I finished my cigarette on the patio before entering, I received a text from one of my good friends that he was at the pub. So I walk in, and there he is! I hadn't seen this friend in a couple weeks or so, so we chatted, and another good friend called, found out we both were there, and came up. I admit, I am the cause of not being able to get any reading done. I have a rule that when I am with either of these two friends I turn the book off no matter what, so we can actually talk. So obviously, I brought my tablet there for nothing.

What prolific topics did we discuss? There were several. What actor/actress did we think had the best ability? What movies are slated to be coming out. Caught up a little of what is going on in our lives. All this talk was going on as the football game started, and got boring. That's when a political ad played during a commercial break. Oh yeah, the crap hit the fan then, as we were having a good time. My two friends seem to love to play each others devil's advocate. One is a self-employed business owner with a successful business, the other an attorney/insurance agent/financial consultant. I pretty much just sat there thinking 'Oh geez, Lord, let this end without bloodshed'. A short 20 minutes later (seemingly much, much longer) they toned it down and we agreed that they could just cancel each other's vote out, and only my vote would count. Those crazy guys!

The Daughter and Doodad made it into town last night whilst I was out. I did get to see them as I headed to bed once I got home. They left with the Wife this morning to go do who knows what... shopping, at the old house, visiting... Not sure what plans for this evening are in regards to dinner - if we are eating out, or picking up, or cooking at home. The Youngest has started back to school on a hybrid program this week. So he attends Tuesday and Friday, at home via online the other days. Today is his first day to the physical school - wonder how he did finding his classrooms....


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