Tuesday, February 6

Epics - Literary or Televised, Good or Bad?

I have many a night been woken from some of the strangest things to have dreamed about. Except those nights where I drink enough that either I don't recall dreaming, or I never get down to that level of sleep. Either way, lately, say the last week or so, I have been dreaming, and recalling bits and pieces of these dreams up during the day. They seem to have to do with epic tales - be it one I read or a movie, or even televised. Last night for instance, I was in a dream, not as a major character, but my own role, from the book "Centennial" by James Michener. Of course, this was later adapted into a TV mini-series as well. I read the book a few years after seeing the TV show, but I was dreaming along the storyline as my self, and of course that altered teh story somewhat as I knew what events were going to happen, and sort of like Marty McFly from "Back to the Future", I had to readjust things so the correct results happened in the end. It was interesting to say the least.

Todays question for you, my esteemed readers, when it comes to epics (novel or movie or television) which is better, which is preferred, and why?

Now, obviously, since I am a reader, I believe in the written version for probably 99% of epics I have read/seen. I think the 2 main differences I agree with the screen version is "Star Wars" and Star Trek" movies. George Lucas never put the story in book form, til after the movie was made, and the book did its best to follow the movie. But others, "Lord of the Rings", "Shogun", Centennial", "Storm of the Century", etc. I preferred the book. There are alot fo epic screenplays I liked as well as the books, but the book was still better. I believe that is because there is no time limit to capture a full story within a book.

What is your opinion? What are your top three epics you have enjoyed? Let me know...


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