Wednesday, February 28

It can only get better if you let it

That's my mantra today. Enough of everyone bringing me down with all the negative crap I am hearing and having to give around this office. Screw that. I am doing everything I can - nothing more can be expected, or done. If it is not enough, then you should make a business decision and fire me or something. But I ain't telling them that... no way!

I'm feeling in a much better mood after reading a few blogs, and hearing how some people are really enjoying themselves (Eric), and Freddie is now prepping for a couple nice vacation days. I wish my vacation was sooner. July seems so far off!

Allright, I am off to lunch. I am leaving this office for the next hour and going to enjoy myself. I just don't know where to go to eat. Maybe I'll do Arbys today... I haven't eaten there in awhile.


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