Friday, February 2

Yeah. I did.

Today has been one of those days. Everyone coming up and asking if I took care of this (Yeah. I did.) or that (Yeah. I did). Couldn't come across one time when I would get to say no sirree bob! And only 2 1/2 hours to go... yeaaaaah, doggie dog!

When I get a little money, I buy books. And if there is any left over, I buy food.
- Desiderius Erasmus, 1466 - 1536

Books! Lord knows I have books once again! Getting back into my old job, wher eI know the money I am making is better than what has been going on before, I signed up for books again. Instead of barely surviving on the courtesy of friends that would loan me out books, I once again am independent. I signed up for the SciFi book club and have 7 books on the way. Plus this past Monday, my order came in of 5 books. then I cam across another offer for 1 book a month for (.(5 and free shipping - no obligation. So now will have at least one coming each month. Damn I think this is good.

Tonight I get to do the "family" thing and go out to my sister's with my brood. Seems my uncle and aunt are flying in from Indiana, and want to visit. yee haw. But, my bro in law will be there, and thank god that means there will be whisky. I already made plans with the Wife to wait at home for me so we can all ride together - so I don't have to drive drunk later. Then Saturday is Bocci Ball time at a friend's house. That's another afternoon/evening of adult beverages. By superbowl time I will be on the couch sipping juices to restore some sort of regular fluids to my body.... well, maybe not.

I have been browsing through some of the collections of texts I have, and I think I shall do some sort of extra post today for you, my esteemed (and rather bored) readers. I shall go search somethign out.


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