Tuesday, November 13

Have I been missed like a bad case of Diarhea?

I'm back amongst the living today it would seem. Yesterday was not a vacation day, unlike many of you Federal/State paid employees. No, I was sick. And I mean pretty bad. Too much sun this weekend I think.

Saturday we spent 3 hours in the sun, watching the daughter's State Marching Band competition. Her band ended up winning a Superior with a caption for musical performance. They were only a 0.5 point from a Superior with Distinction. Out of all the bands we heard, they definitely were the best sounding, and I (though I may appear biased) though they had the best show as well. Prolly a good thing I am not a judge! But where they held the competition... I don't care to make that drive again. Forty-five minutes away, at the "end of a freeway, in the middle of nowhere.

Sunday worked as good. I managed to land my ticket to PIR for the NASCAR race. Damn if I want to do anymore walking though. There were trams from the parking lot, but they dropped us at turn 2. Our seats were turn 4, halfway around the track. So we had time, we moseyed, got some free stuff, and finally made our seats. I managed to stay there for an hour pre-race and 30 laps into it. Then I was done. My forehead was burnt, I was feeling a bit sick from too much sun, and I was crowded as hell in the seat. So I ended up doing the walk-about checking things out, looking for souvenirs. About halfway back to the trams, one of the golf carts were nice enough to see me and offer a ride which I took. By then my back was killing me and I was tired of hobbling about on the cane. I rode the trams for the last hour of the race, talking to people. I had more fun doing that than sitting watching the race. Amazing how far some will drive for a race.

By the time I got home, I was worn out. When I woke Monday morning, there was no way in hell I was going anywhere. I ached in places the gym hadn't found yet. I was sick. I ended up sleeping most of the day away. Today I feel a bit better, but still am sore from the walking, and not in the mood to eat anything, though I know I need too. I didn't have anything yesterday at all.

Well, tonight is Texas Hold'em at the pub, so I will be there tonight. Since I didn't work out last night, I am going to have to cram classes again this week. This class thing is really getting to be a pain in the ass. I f I got gym membership, I could do all this on my own time, and STILL lose weight. Hell, I don't know.

The Wife is leaving Friday for Nebraska for a friend's wedding. Luckily she is taking the baby, so I will only have to deal with the older kids. I see suppers out, and maybe a Saturday at Castle N Coasters ( a putt-putt golf place with rides). Or maybe we will go watch a couple movies. I will have to see what is going on this week.

Glad you all could make it here and stuff your brains with my drivel. See ya next time when I talk about the rainbow colored poop I had not too long ago.... NOT!


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