Thursday, November 15

Not much today ... just drawing a blank

Earlier this morning on the way to work, I had several ideas to write about today for your entertainment. I find myself doing that a lot lately on the drive to work - thinking of how to entertain you. Anyways, the traffic is rolling at 15 miles an hour (in a 65 zone, 3 lane freeway) and it's 3 miles to my exit. Several good ideas, but as soon as I pulled into my parking spot, my mind went blank. Literally. For a brief moment I had to figure out where I was, what day of the week it is, and what was I doing. That was a scary 30 seconds.

Yesterday I HAD to go to the gym. It was halfway through the week and I had not made any of my classes yet - too sore from walking at PIR on Sunday. I did the cardio workout class, and felt it. I was still a bit sore from Sunday, but I got through the class. DING, DING!! Good news is I lost another inch (total of 2 1/2 now) and 3 lbs. I have another class tonight, then finish up early Saturday morning.

Okay, nothing else for you guys right now. I may be back with more - depends on how busy the day gets.


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