Friday, November 2

I finally think I am beginning to see a difference

I got up carefully this morning, making sure I didn't strain any sore part of me. Yes, I did my second class last night. It was actually really good - having to do stretches like in Yoga and Tai-Chi. I think I had a harder workout with that class than I did the weights. I sure sweated more.
Anyways, I am dressing this morning. fastened my pants, bent over to fasten my sandals (casual day at work), stood back up and my shorts fell. I kinda stood there a moment and pulled them back up, realizing I sorta had to push the belly out to hold them in place. I checked the belt, and it is on the last notch, with room for more. Damn that makes me feel good!!

I'll go in tomorrow for the third class of the week, and have myself weighed and measured again to see how I am doing. I also need to get out today and get some blood drawn for the Dr. I keep forgetting to do that.

Only an hour and a half into the work day and I am bored. Not a good sign. Especially for a Friday.

Alrighty, I am outta here for a bit. Y'all have a good one and have a good weekend.


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