Tuesday, May 24

All Set for OTL

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of money (for me). Got my airline ticket for San Diego. Set the room reservation for my friend and I. that was a bit pricey, but because my friend had dickered around for a week, the prices of the hotels had gone up about $30. Plus, the place I had originally planned to stay at was out of the rooms we needed. So another hour of researching, and found another hotel with room available but I had to prepay all three nights to get eh best rate. That was damn near $500. He has offered to pay me his half prior to going, but I don't know. If I ain't got it by the time we get there, he's paying his half the room at the counter...lol.

So that's all set up. Still no clue what is going on this weekend. My family was talking about possibly getting together, but I haven't heard anything. The Wife's family, who at Easter gave her a guilt trip since they claimed we 'never' go to their family events (not true) and no one ever sees us (not true), have still not said if they are doing anything, and if they aren't, well, then we will go to something else. Frustrates me how some families can be that way. We have checked with them the last 5 major holidays (that we wouldn't normally see them) and they don't bother to ask us if we are going until the day of nearly.... usually it is after we have already committed to other plans due to their slowness in letting us know. Family. Sometimes I just wanna move away from them all... (sorry Sis, Stuman and RM... it's true).

I was up at 4am this morning, no clue as to why. Couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up on the computer. My buddy going to OTL with me, I guess he'd been up all night - closing the bar, and still up. He started texting me like crazy about these other guys wanting to go, and sleep on our room floor.... I was like "NO" and finally told him I was going back to bed for some more sleep. He'd sent me a couple more texts after that I guess because I saw them when I got up. All I can do is shale my head and wonder why I do things sometimes.


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