Tuesday, May 29

Closing Out the School Year

Though my oldest son finished up the school year last week, my two younger ones still have two days to this week, before finally being released for summer break. I don't know why they would make them go two days just past ta major holiday weekend, when one of the days they get early dismissal. I figure it must have to do with the required number of days a school year must be in session. It's weird, but that is normal for the system out here in AZ. Today though, the Kindergartner has a class party that he has mentioned he would like me to attend. The Wife won't be able to go, as she has to return to work, so I already have the camera for pics if it is a "Promotion Event" for them going to 1st grade. The other son is having a party today in his class as well, though he tells me parents were not invited. I asked him if he would like me to stop by anyways, and go the definite "NO!"

Following a big weekend, I am up and moving earlier a bit than usual. I went to bed last night about 7:30'ish, and slept so well, I even had a drool puddle. I hate those. When I sleep good and deep, it seems I wake to one. Stuman had brought me back a bottle of that green label Jack Daniels when he came back from Kentucky. It got opened yesterday while at Sis' and both the BIL and I had a Jack and Coke with it. I don't care for it. I had previously heard it was supposed to be better than regular Jack, but have heard differently from other friends that enjoy good whiskeys, and even other friends that swear it is the bomb. To me, it tastes like the cheap stuff you get for $6 a gallon at the Arabic 7-11 downtown. Not that I shop there, just saying how bad it was. Sis texted me last night saying I forgot my friend, to which I replied an intelligent
"Huh?" This morning I find her reply ( that came in after I was comatose) referring to the bottle of Jack. I emailed her that they could keep it, and if they don't want it, to dump it.

Well, I guess that's enough for today. I haven't had my one coffee of the morning to get em moving, and the Wife is rousing as I have heard the alarm had gone off.


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