Monday, May 7

Will He Do It?

I have got to be one of the worst fathers in the world. At least, I am sure my oldest son is thinking that this is true. I have kept him confined to his room, supposedly working on missing assignments, over this past weekend. Yeah I know.... I bitched about that last week. Only, he still has NOT completed them yet. And on Friday? Well, we received a note from his Science teacher, that he has an F in that class (a big difference from the C reported on his mid term report) and that he is missing another 5 assignments from that class. Plus, oh this is where I start losing a bit more of my sanity, the Science teacher had informed him of this PRIOR to notifying us, and the son STILL was not going to tell us. He is supposed to be going on a trip Friday for CA, for a competition festival for Band (they only class he seems to be passing, excluding PE). I don't know if he can even go now due to his grades. After paying around$300 for him to go.... Sigh. This weekend, asking him for the umber of assignments completed, I think it came down to "2"...out of a needed like 9. At this rate, he will be repeating 8th grade, and be grounded until he just gives up on high school and gets his GED at age 35. I exaggerate, but surely you can understand how I feel.

Tonight, they scheduled just last week, to have a concert to perform the musical selections that will be played on the CA trip. I would not be surprised if they do not allow him to play tonight due to grades. If they don't, I will probably lose it - blow my top. Not in disagreement with the the school, but at the son, because that will mean he won't be playing on the trip, and I am out that money. PLUS, the Wife still has to go as she is a chaperon. I'm going to be dwelling on this all day, no matter how I try not too. I am not going to be pleasant to be around tonight.



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