Tuesday, May 1

Osama, You're Still Dead

I took RM & PT to the airport this morning, as they are traveling back to Indiana to visit family, friends, and do a 13 mile walk marathon. Seems like I heard constantly on the local news talk radio about toady being the one year anniversary of Osama Bin Laden being killed. Of course, going out with every announcement of this fact, is the heightened awareness of possible terrorist attacks, as supposedly they love to use anniversary dates as attack dates in retaliation. Personally, I could care less that it has been a year since Osama was killed. I would want them to concentrate on containing/preventing terrorist attacks than celebrating the death of a 'Head terrorist".

I know, I know.... it's not really a celebration, more so than letting the public know that since they use anniversary dates, to be prepared for anything. I guess another good reason to get the parents to the airport in plenty of extra time, for any possible additional security measures. I am sure the TSA wants to group them old folks just a bit more today.... gotta make sure they aren't packing a Sherman tank in the wrinkles, don't ya know?

Trying to kill some time now before I go to my 6-month dental check-up. Not enough time to lay back down and get a few more moments of sleep. I still have over an hour to kill, and have completed my regular morning routine. I guess I could use 'Stumble' and cruise the web....


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