Friday, November 9

In The Wee Quiet Hours

It's Friday. Not that that means anything here for me. Probably will be pretty much a typical day, sort of. The oldest son has a band performance tonight, as the football team has advanced to the second round of play-offs. I'll be here trying to find ways to entertain myself. Oh yeah, and the youngest is home sick today. Seems he threw up in the night, and the middle son cleaned it up without waking us. I am sure he did it because they share sleeping quarters, and who would want to smell that all night? I am glad he cleaned it up though, as I would have been throwing up trying to clean up some one's throw up.

Thanksgiving is approaching. I still have not heard if my side of the family is getting together as usual, or what. I dread Christmas due to finances getting as tight as they have this year. I personally could care less about getting anything from anyone, but I do want the kids to be happy. The older two can deal with smaller amount of things, as they should understand finances.... but who knows. Someone would always be butt-hurt about it if they didn't get as many as someone else. I am not even sure if we are buying for the nephews/nieces this year. It makes me feel bad, but just can't afford it. Maybe we can figure out a family-type gift to give them instead that won't be expensive. All I know is it is late in the year to be finally deciding what to do.

Supposed to be rainy tomorrow, which for us is a rarity. Though by Sunday for the Nascar race, it is supposed to clear up. Which means I am in my own personal hell today, as there is to be lots of wind, and already they are saying if you have breathing problems to stay indoors - meaning the pollen count is going o be atrocious. I am already sneezing/runny nose/watery eyes just from running the oldest to school.

Well, I am off to check on the youngest, to see if he feels like eating a little something for breakfast.


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