Monday, January 3

Not So New Aymore

Heh. It's only the third day into the new year and it already is back to normal around here. The kids started back to school today. Wife is back to work. Daughter's car is back to running (had a dead battery). And I am back to boring you with excerpts of my life. Gotta love it.

It's been about a month and a half now since I quit smoking. I have no cravings, and can even be outside with smokers talking with it not bothering me. Though, when someone comes back in a non-smoking place, right after smoking, that whiff of what I describe as 'used smoke' scent, makes me wanna gag. I try my hardest to not say a word, or make faces. After all, I was one once as well, and now I know how everyone else felt about my 'scent' off and on through the day. I am determined to not be one of those people that chew out smokers more than regular folks, just because they used to smoke, too. in the past month and a half, I have learned that if I don't like the smell, I can be an adult and just leave, or go to another area. I don't have to bitch and loudly let them know my displeasure. Other than that, I don't care. I made my choices, and I know I, and my family, are happier for that.

I 'went back on my diet' yesterday. Yeah, that's in quotes, as I really don't have a diet plan or anything. I did start back into watching portion sizes, and try to eat more healthier type foods (especially for snacks) like I had been doing before... well, before Thanksgiving. Because at Turkey day, I said screw it, and ate whatever, whenever, using the cheap rationalization of 'it's the Holidays'. I noticed a difference already. After supper last night (where I had a way smaller portion than normal) I was feeling a bit hungry still. My youngest son (4 years old) commented to the Wife that he was "still hungry" hinting that he wanted a small ready-made pudding cup. I commented back to him that I was still hungry too, but that I knew why I was hungry. He looked at me and asked the expected "Why?" and I explained how Daddy was doing his best to eat less amounts and better foods, so I won't be so fat. He says, "Dad, I want to be big like you when I grow up." Awwww, nice touch, right? I wanted to be sure he got the right idea though, so told him that he meant tall and strong, not big or fat. I also included that I was doing it all so I could be there when he does get as tall and strong as daddy. He smiled and gave me a hug. I felt all good inside. Then we let him have a pudding. He probably didn't understand half of it, just got to the point where he figured a hug would get him a dessert. Oh well. It was a boost for me.

So, got plenty to do. Got some movies and music for Christmas to go through yet. Downloaded some more books to my Kindle last night, and have a couple hardbacks around I know I need to finish.

What plans you have to do this year?


1 comment:

Spockgirl said...

I noticed that you deleted your post from yesterday, so I hope your daughter is o.k..