Wednesday, August 1

I Got A New Book!!

It is not a surprising thing for me to get a new book. I mean, I visit almost every day to go through all the free books they put up. Not counting the torrents I use to download other ones, or collections of other ones. But yesterday, I got a book that had just released and I had been waiting for it for awhile.

Many of you have heard of Dean Koontz, and some of you may even like some of his books. I am sure there are some of you that don't like him. Personally, I like only a few of his books. I think his writing style is a bit plain, that the average teen reader would be bored with it, but one of my vices is I like his 'Odd Thomas' series. Book five released yesterday. The Daughter is extremely happy as well, as she shares my enjoyment of this series, and I was nice enough to send her a copy as well.

I got to thinking a short bit last night, as to people, and what they like to read. I had made a comment on Facebook about getting this book, and someone made a comment that he writes like a third grader. I agreed and said it was just one of my vices that I like some of his books. This morning they mentioned that their comment didn't come out the way they meant it. Without a correction from them, I presume they meant a third grader can understand his writing style? I don't know, but it made sense to me that way, too. But the first statement could be taking as derogatory, which made me think.

All of us probably read at different skill levels. I admit, I am usually an avid reader of fantasy style books, and am able to read quickly through books, comprehending them easily. Not necessarily due to the style or age group recommended for the book, but because it is entertainment to me. Like some of you prefer to watch television or movies instead of reading. But when it comes to some book I really don't want or desire to read, it is a slow process at times, having to go back and re-read certain portions to make sure I understand what is trying to be put across. I don't know if that is because I am not in favor of reading the material, or what. I just know it happens.

The Daughter has picked up my love of reading, and nicely enough, shares her enjoyment reading much of the same style and authors of books I do. The oldest son, well, he goes through phases (don't all teenagers) and seems to enjoy similar sci-fi/fantasy, but would rather watch television. The middle son, he will read when he HAS to (meaning required reading time for school) but otherwise is not interested. Same with the youngest, though he is just starting to read. I still have a chance with him.

I have just babbled my way out of where I was going. Even re-reading this post, I lost it. Well, it was enough to keep you here for a bit.

Tell me what you like to read, through out some book titles. Maybe I will try the books you read.


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