Monday, August 20

Swimming in Hell

This past week has been a test of some sort. I'm sure it is, but I just can't figure out who would want to test me. The A/C is as good as dead now. With the past problems of it freezing up when the humidity gets high, and the shorter and shorter period of time it would actually run properly, the Wife and I decided it was time to look at alternative solutions. New A/C units are expensive, and rough estimates we have heard range at the lowest $5,000, to as high as $12,000. We definitely do not have that kind of money to make life easier by having a cool environment at the homestead. Luckily, my buddy Don mentioned he and another mutual friend had their A/C units replaced completely for about $3200 by a specific company. I got their phone number from him this morning, and will be calling at a reasonable business hour. In the meantime, we have been running our evaporative (swamp) cooler. With the high humidity going on now, and add in the swamp cooler's high moisture output, one cannot help but drip constantly. But it is a tad bit cooler than just no air movement in the house. Hopefully, the A/C company will be able to get out here in the next day or two and replace our unit within a decent price range.

In the meantime, I am trying to find things to do to stay out of the house, preferably in somewhere where they have good A/C. I am helping the MIL take the FIL to his Dr appointment today, so that kills a couple hours. I'd go to the library, but they are closed most days of the week anymore due to cutbacks. Maybe I will go to Barnes & Noble. I have a gift card for there, And I could waste a good hour or two browsing titles.

Life is pretty sucky about now.



Reverend Mother said...

You can always come over here - computer is available as is the television!! I enjoy your company - so whatever works! I haven't been at B&N for awhile - I think my membership is up - need to stop by and check it I guess. I do more downloading at Kindle now.

Joe said...

it is always something when you own a home