Tuesday, December 4

Are We Looking At A Possible SuperBowl?

I have never been a big sports fan. Football, baseball, basketball, hockey... it just doesn't matter. Yeah, I have picked out a team to be my 'favorite' in each sport, but that doesn't mean I enjoy them. Well, most of them. I detest basketball, and I come from a state that it is supposedly so sacred......

What I like about sports, is the camaraderie. No, not the shit you share with some no-name just because you are both wearing the same team's colors, but the actual "hanging out" with the buds, watching and cheering on the team. I got to do that last night with my buddies Jan & Don. And even better as that the Redskins won! If it weren't for them being there to watch the game with, I probably would have cared less, and just waited until this morning to check the scores. I just cannot watch sports by myself.

So, it has been a crappy start to the week. I had to redo the wax ring on the toilet, as I had put it in the wrong way the first time on Sunday. I blame the instructions on the box, as they were wrong. Yeah, how can they be wrong if it is their product? Easy, when the damn thing is made in some other flipping country, and the word choice/phrasing is atrocious. Either way, whereas Sunday it took a couple hours, yesterday afternoon it only took 20 minutes. However, after getting it completed, and doing those first couple test flushes, I still had a small amount of water leaking from under the toilet. I am sure you can imagine, though not really wanting to picture it, of me standing on the toilet, kind of bouncing, to try to get it to "set" into the wax better. Next test flush, less water, but still some seepage. I decided to let it sit overnight without use to see if it is just a matter of the stuff needing to set. I worry about going in to test it this morning, so I think I shall wait until after I go to the MIL's. Which I don't want to fucking do this morning.

Which throws me into another bitch fit. I am just so tired of doing this shit, of having to go to the MIL's to sit with the FIL. Selfish, and a bit rude of me I am sure, but I wish he would just die. I have no personal grievance against him, just this vegetative state he is in is not helping anyone, and is nothing more than a hindrance for everyone... definitely a damn inconvenience for me, since I am the one having to spend all the time there to "give the MIL a break". Fucking bullshit is what it is.

And people wonder why I drink.... This is a contribution to the reasons.


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