Wednesday, November 17

Day One

In many SciFi films where the main plot is some virus outbreak, or mutations, or similar storyline, there is always a Day One. It's the start of the movie, usually, and gives us a base point to understand how things got to be the away they are throughout the rest of the film/book.

Today is my Day One for no cigarettes. Smoked the last one of my pack last night, and awoke this morning to start this off clean, cold-turkey. So far, things aren't bad, but then I have only been awake maybe a half hour. I give it a couple hours before some craving starts to kick in.

The Wife is home today. Seems she had 1 vacation day that needed to be used up prior to the end of this month. Today is the day she chose. Why a Wednesday, I have no clue, but it worked better into my plans. I was going to borrow the van today and take the youngest son out shopping with me. Figured get some exercise walking around the store, get some Christmas shopping done from him to his siblings, and maybe even get the Wife's birthday stuff taken care of. All within a couple hours. Yeah, gonna see if it can be done, though any start is better than nothing.

The Wife wants the three of us to go have a nice small lunch then somewhere prior to picking up the first of the boys from school (he has early dismissal today). I hope it is somewhere I can have a salad.

Still feeling a bit stiff from sleeping so still through the night. Not as bad as a couple days ago, but still there. Also around my nostrils from wearing the CPAP. Each fades a bit each day as I get used to it all. I am so loving the way I feel more energetic again. It's nice not to have to wake up, and then a couple hours later lay back down because you feel so tired.

That's it for now.


Afternoon Update: Well, got some Christmas shopping done - least, some of it. Took the youngest with me and spent a good hour plus walking through Walmart. Once back home we decided to go out for lunch since the Wife was home. Had a nice endless salad bar lunch at Sizzler, and I was good kept it all to salad and some cottage cheese... though I probably ate too much overall, at least it was better for me than some stuff. Just felt I had to get my money's worth.

The cigarette withdrawals hit this morning as I left Walmart. Had to walk past a few people outside smoking, and the smell brought them on. I have been able to mentally dismiss the cravings so far. Now I got cravings for a drink as well. Trying to talk myself into heading to the bar just for the afternoon. Do some reading in my Kindle... have a few beers. I dunno. I am starting to cave.



Spockgirl said...

I linked over here from Drunken Wisdom a while back (yeah, I saw the name of your blog and curiousity got the better of me), and have been reading I believe since you wrote about getting your Hemoglobin A1C test. I haven't read any of your back posts, and I hadn't commented yet, but I had to on this post... Don't give up. Smoking is BAAADDDDD. Be careful if you start wanting to eat more as a replacement to the cigs.
I'm not a smoker but both my parents were. Nasty habit, especially around kids. Also, it is rather expensive.

T1G said...

Good luck, dude...