Tuesday, November 2

Did YOU do IT Today?

It is a voting day. Did you do your American Right? Did you take the opportunity to be able to bitch about politics for the next 2 years? Because if not, you need to shut yer hole!

I voted. About 3 weeks ago. I am on the early ballot list here where I live, and I love the chance to be able to peruse all the issues and candidates in plenty of time as I mark my selections. So far, in this and past elections, the candidates I chose have not at the last minute done some God-forsaken act that would change my opinion. May that trend last forever (fingers crossed).

This time around, they did not enclose my little sticker that says "I Voted!" in my ballot. Past times they have. I fixed it though. Not only did I go by the polling place to drop off the Wife's ballot (she didn't have her's done in time to mail) but I took my daughter for her first time. No lines. Lots of stickers. I made sure we both got one, and that she displayed hers on her chest as well... though not in such a way that guys would be staring at her chest more than they should - it's my daughter after all.

What was really nice, is we had taken her car into the garage first. Then the voting place. Ten we went to Denny's for breakfast. This is the first time we have sat down just the two of us and talked, since she first went away to college. If you are a regular reader, you know some of the issues we had while she lived at home. It was a great morning, a great breakfast, and great discussion.

So, the garage calls... her brakes are fine (thought we needed to replace due to the squeaking) and no replacement needed. They topped of her fluids, blew the dust out. Hoping they call with it ready in the next few minutes, otherwise I run her to her appt first.

Damn good day!


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