Friday, November 19

Day Two has Begun

Well, I made it through yesterday. Today I am sure will be a harder challenge in dealing with the cravings. I am prepared to repel the assault though. I am armed with Trident layers gum, and my 2 quarts of LemonBerry Fruit Punch. Hoping the taste of those will help take the edge off any possible cravings.

It's Friday! If you are one of the lucky ones, today you get paid. The rest of us just have to suffer. But we are headed into a weekend followed by a three day work week for many of you. That could be a precursor to good things. I was planning on heading out to Kmart today to try to get some more shopping done, but I think I am pretty much done. I have a few specific people to still get gifts for, but they are not the type I can roam around the store and just find something. I need to write Sis and Stuman to see what we are doing about families too. All the nieces and nephews are getting old enough now that it is getting expensive to shop for them all individually. Maybe we can go to just doing a family gift or something.

The RM says she is going to have some Weight Watcher Key Lime Pie for us at Thanksgiving. I hope they enjoy it. I am not crazy about Key Lime. But it is the whole thought behind it all. I am looking more forward to turkey than anything else. Well, and salad.

Tomorrow night I have a little get together with some people from High School. It'll be nice to catch up a little and reminisce about the old days....


Evening Update: Well, fuck me. We start all over again tomorrow with the no smoking. I got really antsy this afternoon, and found a pack of smokes in the car. I forgot I bought 2 packs the other night when I was out. Good news is, I was able to keep it to a minimum how many I smoked. But that just means, more are left to tempt me through the weekend. Sigh. I am such a wuss.


Reverend Mother said...

The key lime pie is really pretty good. Maybe I will get you a pumpkin pie too. But - salad? Olive Garden of course! Love you

Spockgirl said...

Warning: This comment contains nagging.
You do know that there is more to vegetables than just salad right? And... how can you turn down RM's offering of a LOW-FAT Key Lime Pie? And... lastly, how could you forget that you bought TWO packs of cigs? How... convenient...
Uh... you did say you are trying to QUIT smoking.

Spockgirl said...

Sorry for that last comment, especially since I'm new reading your blog. Sometimes I go into this weird "mom" mode, even with people I don't know.

Ralphd00d said...

LOL! I know there are other vegetables than salad, I just like salad a lot...well, like it more than I like most vegetables. And don't worry about comments... they are there for you to voice it however you see it.