Monday, November 22

Early Start

I am up early today. I am hoping it is just because my body is well rested, and not a case of 'messed-up sleeping' again. I know I have been sleeping better at night with the CPAP machine, and having those weird wake up times have pretty much disappeared. I am hoping to not have them anymore.

The Daughter should be in town this evening. She has yet another ortho appointment Tuesday morning then will be headed back to school. Of course, she'll be back up on Wednesday for the holiday weekend. It is extra driving on her part, but she has classes Tuesday and Wednesday.

Saturday was nice. About ten people showed up at the little HS get together. One gal I hadn't seen in 20 years and I had a great time. We ended up at another place doing karaoke for the evening. Sunday morning I actually got up and made it to the ball field to watch some softball. Afterwards, we headed up to the pub for a drink. Subway for lunch and spent the afternoon at home.

RM made some chili over the weekend. She has quite a bit left over I guess, and has asked if we would like some. I do love my chili.... Looking forward to maybe later today getting some.

Doubt I may be doing much in the way of walking for the next day or two. I slipped and fell yesterday and whacked the outer side of that ankle bone. It is quite tender feeling when I put weight on that leg. I am pretty sure I didn't break anything, it just hurts.

Yep, life is pretty boring about now.


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