Wednesday, April 13

Feeling A Nap Coming On ...

I didn't sleep so great last night. Took a bit longer to feel tired enough to go to bed, and once in bed, was hard to get to sleep. Had a few weird dreams, too. One included zombies and some damn good music. Another had something to do with a girl I liked in High School. No, not one of 'those' types of dreams.

Non-important trivia fact I read somewhere: The normal dream lasts only 1-3 seconds, though to the dreamer it could feel longer.

So, this morning, as the alarm is going off, I can feel it. A bit groggy and heavy-lidded. I know I am tired more than usual come mornings. Then I moved to get up and moving. That's when I felt the muscle soreness. Yeah, I surely worked them on yesterday's walk a bit different than before, and I am feeling it. Even the back is jumping in every now and then saying 'Hey, you overworked this part of me.' I hate to leave anyone out, that's just how I am I guess. I have come to the conclusion, I am going to put up with this for a while, just to acclimate these new muscles to see how the shoes work out, I guess. I am now resigned to it.

It is Wednesday, Hump day, middle of the week. Hope your's is going well.


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