Tuesday, April 5

Feeling Moody

The past few days have been a bit of an emotional swing ride for me. It started Saturday morning, and is still going on. My mood swings are just going erratic - more than usual (before you say anything family). I was hoping it worked itself out over the couple days since Saturday, when I noticed it, and played it off to maybe exertion in the heat, slight dehydration even. But no. This morning, I was up before 6am, feeling good. I should feel good. I ended up taking a 4 hour nap yesterday morning, and got another 8 hours sleep last night. Couldn't believe I was able to sleep that much... So, something must be wrong somewhere.

Back to this morning. So I am up and doing stuff on the computer (emails, etc) and When the Wife finally arises, she mentions to me that they were having problems with the printer last night. Note: this was all after I went to bed, and the oldest son I guess had to print out a couple poems he typed up, and find pictures to do some sort of collage-type assignment to go with them. Wife mentioned it had been jamming up, saying no paper when there was paper, etc, etc. Immediately, I was like - feeling pissy. So what if it was giving them problems. what do you expect me to do about it? Yeah, like I said.

About 20 minutes go by, and I happen to ask, did he get his homework done. Another 5 minutes of worthless story from the Wife to answer my question, yes, his homework got done, though they had to hand-write the poems, and had to find magazines, at that late hour, to do the collages as the printer was giving them problems. 'Oh,' I said. 'You mean to tell me, that the printer was not working at all for you. Not that you were having issues (and you not mention it wasn't working at all) and was able to finally get printed what you needed....' Of course this made her say 'I told you.' Which then sparked off more pissiness from me. I ended up just telling her I guess we will need to buy a new printer since you guys must have messed it up. Another note: I don't use that printer, so I know I didn't do anything to it. All this before 7am....sigh.

Today will be like the fourth day of these damn mood swings. I don't think it is medication I am on - has been too many weeks for it to just suddenly pop up. Maybe the over-exertion/dehydration thing did a temporary chemical balance.... I don't know. It's just a bit irritating though, as I actually DO try to not let it respond for me.... But sometimes, it just slips.

I am leaving here in about 20 minutes to meet up with PT to do our walk in the park. He has invited me out to breakfast then at a place called Mimi's Cafe (sounds girly I know). I guess he has a 2-for-1 coupon for breakfast there that needs to be used in the next few days. I figured, nice to have a walk, then brunch. then of course I will come home and take a look at the printer. I am guessing the problem is just it needs some cleaning. I am hoping that's all it is anyways. Will know more in a few hours.



Joe said...

maybe you are just at that time of the month...?

Ralphd00d said...

Joe, that could be it. I sure feel that way...