Friday, October 19

Flipping the Coin

I completed my election ballot and put it in the mail this morning. Usually, this job would require me spending a few hours reading through the materials, the pro/con arguments, and other miscellaneous readings online, all in order that I felt I was making an "informed" decision. I didn't want to take the the time this year. For all the propositions AZ had, I read through the basic 'yes means this, no means that' descriptions, read a few of the letters written for, and a few against, then made a choice. One of those 'gut feelings' type of choices, instead of wasting other time reading repeats of the basics. Was it the best way to handle making my selections? Maybe not, but either way I still feel comfortable about the ones I made. It was better than flipping a coin.

Honestly, the best part about sending int he ballot, is that I know in a short time, I won't have to hear/read/see the political rants/opinions that everyone seems to have, or at least expressing to help "convert" the people that can't make up their minds. I am so sick of it all right now.

Sleep left me a bit earlier than usual this morning. I tried to find it again, but wasn't able to in the 45 minutes before I really needed to get up. Now I am feeling a bit tired, like I need a nap. I hope I can shake that feeling before much longer. I would rather not be taking a nap, though, I really don't have much planned, so therefore have the time to take one....

It's Friday people! Get out and have some fun!


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