Tuesday, October 30

I Thought It Was Over

The fat lady sang. At least I thought she had. The Tuesday night practices that the oldest son has had since the beginning of marching season, had come to a close, since they did not make it to the state championships.  But I found out this morning (last minute as always) that no, he still has it tonight. Which makes some sense since the school football team made it to the first round of playoffs, and they are still performing. Then I find out, that he has another performance yet this Saturday as well. Seems one of the local Community Colleges has asked the HS to perform for their halftime at their football game. Is this shit ever ending this year? I am getting tired of the extra running to practices and all.

So, that started out my Tuesday like a Monday morning. Though, I will admit at least I don't leave on the upper East Coast. That's some nasty shit going on there... all the way in to Cleveland, OH, I heard... .65 mph winds there as of this morning. Geez, Louise!

I got nothing else for you word greedy fiends (I left out the 'r' on purpose!)


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