Friday, October 5

There's Gonna Be a Party!

Woot! Another Friday is here, and for most of us, that means time to live it up a bit after working all week. Well, I wasn't working all week, but I know one of the two of you readers stood a good chance...

Fridays mean the oldest son will be performing at the football game. This weekend is their homecoming, and typical for our family, seems to be bogged down with events going on. Football game tonight, marching band competition tomorrow (clear across town) followed immediately by the homecoming dance. It is unfortunate that they scheduled this performance seemingly just a few short weeks ago, that they would have checked the school calender for any possible conflict with another school function. It is going to mean a bit of driving for the Wife. I am attending a bachelor party that starts at noon and won't be done until 6'ish (the same time as the dance is starting). There stands a good chance that I will be a bit too inebriated to help with the driving.... All that leads into Sunday, where the Church of Holy Beer and Softball has once again been opened. Followed closely by the watching of the Redskins game.

By Monday, I am going to need a couple days to relax. I ain't as young as I used to be.


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