Monday, October 29

It's Not Over Yet

The Son's marching band only placed a "Good" rating on Saturday, though the percussion line received a Caption Award. This means they will not be attending the State Marching Competition that starts this Saturday. I am a bit glad, as it would mean traveling to the other side of the valley (literally) at about an hour plus drive one way. Though they did not make State, there are still some marching events going on he needs to attend before they turn in the uniforms and begin the concert band part of the year. Tonight they are participating in the HS district performance (all HS in district perform their shows). Also, since the football team made the first round for playoffs, they also will be performing Friday night at that game, though I amnot going as it, too, is across the valley and an hour away. Depending on how the football team does, will decide if they perform any more dates/events. Too bad the zero hour doesn't end with marching season. But now I am free to go to the Nascar race on the 10th & 11th with not being guilty of not going to see the son perfomr at State.

Yesterday was a decent day. I played softball at 8, and by 8:20 had pulled a muscle on the back of my thigh. So I am limping around now. Made it up to watch the Redskins game and had an old friend show up that we had not seen in quite awhile, and ended up talking for about half the game. Didn't matter much, as they sucked and lost anyways. Had plans to go up to watch MNF, but forgot the son had a performance, so I will probably end up staying home with the two younger boys so the Wife can go. I would go, but with my leg, I can't see me walking that far, and sitting on the concrete bleacher/stands would not be comfortable.


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