Sunday, October 28

This Blows

There has to be a reason somewhere in the Book of Reasons, why I feel like crap today. Yesterday started out just fine. Woke up, shut off the CPAP machine, started my morning routine with the little bit of stuffed up nose/watery eyes thing. I get that regularly. It's likes, they are adjusting to not being on the CPAP, and usually after about 30-45 minutes, it clears up and life goes on. Yesterday it didn't. In fact, it proceeded to just run constantly all day. Last night, as I put on my mask and prepared to drift to slumber, it actually cleared up somewhat - until this morning.

I had planned on being up early this morning, to head to the pub to help adjust/move tables for our big group getting there for football today. I was planning on 5:30. For some reason, my body though 4:30. So I went ahead and shut of my CPAP, and tried to lay there and cat-nap until the alarm went off. No such luck. One side of my nose is CLOGGED, and the other felt like it was starting to back up pretty good as well. I went ahead and got up, tried blowing my nose to no avail. In fact, checking the snot I blew, it is starting to have that yucky yellow color, which is a good sign of a sinus infection starting. Here nearly 45 minutes later, the eyes are watering, the nose still clogged and running.... at least I am not sneezing 17 times in 20 seconds like I seemed to do most of the day yesterday. I think I am getting sick.

So, playing softball this morning is out for me. I'm still going to the pub though, as maybe the alcohol will kill the germs. Plus, I deserve it for being the wonderful husband I was and letting the Wife go have girl time for 3/4 the day yesterday.


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