Tuesday, May 8

Everyone is catching it ...

... you know, that bug that makes you got nothing to post about. At least it seems like it today. I am afraid it might even spread to my place ... actually, I think it is too late.

Many of you faithful, devoted readers click over to here to read, and laugh at my life. That's great! But it seemed I had disappeared from Google,and had not had a search hit me in awhile. I guess I need to get back to grannie porn or something since I miss those hits.... naw, don't think so. Anyways, here are the 2 actual Google hits I got this week

1. Mature Wife Video - now why in the hell would I post a video of my mature wife? Or maybe they are just looking for older woman videos... I guess it could read either way...

2. Spiderman 3 Boobies - Yeah! There's a guy that knows what he is looking for!! Who is that main star -Kirsten Dunst I am thinking? Yeah, go hunt for her boobies.

Imagine that - only 2 hits, both on the same day, and I hadn't had a Google in weeks. Well, all I gotta say right now is that I am tapped. I wrote up 2 stories yesterday, and my mind is in need of alcohol to replenish the thinking part of it. Y'all have a good one.


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