Wednesday, May 2

I have to go where to light up my smoke?

That seemed to be the question in many places in Arizona yesterday. I had went to my regular hangout after work, and had a laugh just seeing some of the faces of the smokers there. The owner has enclosed some patio area at the rear of the bar that is capable of holding about 15 people comfortably - standing up - with no room to move. It looks more like a zoo cage. He intends to make the area larger, but for initial purposes this is what he has. I kid you not, at one point there were more people out smoking then there was in the bar. I am thinking of going somewhere else tonight to see what other places are doing. I know the Denny's I was at for lunch is total smoke-free now...

The office is pretty damn quiet today. I have a bad feeling about that. Something is about to happen and I hope it brings me more work.

Saturday is Cinco De Mayo. What are your plans? Well, being in a place that has many peoples from Mexico (and other places) that have astrong influence on the economy here, I know where I won't be - somewhere celebrating their damn crap. Find me an All-American restaurant and bar - eat steak, baked potato and drink Budweiser and Jack. Hell Yeah! Damn, I do that most weekends anyways... well, maybe not most - but several! I am not going to be caught at some "mexican" restaurant. Nope - no Garcia's, Caramba's, Macayo's, or Taco Bell for this guy.

Since we are on the subject of hispanics, made me think of a couple of them jokes.... you know, the ones where you look over both shoulders before you start...

EDIT: If you are going to accuse me of racial issues, you might as well log off my blog now. I am a bigot. I hate everyone equally, and I will share whatever kind of joke, story, made up or real about any race, color, creed or religion. Don't like it - don't come here - and don't read any further. 'Nuff said, let's laugh a little.

Q: Why do mexican women wear long dresses?
A: To hide the 'no-pest' strips

Q: Why do mexicans eat jalapenos?
A: So when their ass stops burning, they will know it is time to eat again.

Yeah, so they weren't that great, so here is my funny one I have been telling lately:

A zebra dies and goes to heaven. At the Pearly Gates he sees St. Peter and asks him, "Am I white with black stripes, or black with white stripes?"

"I do not know. you'll have to find God and ask him," replies St. Peter.

The zebra goes on and enters heaven. After awhile of traipsing about, he sees God and presents his question to him.

God replies, "You are what you are."

The zebra is unsure of this answer and ponders it as he walks around. Soon he comes back across St. Peter who asks the zebra, "Did you find God and ask your question?"

"Yes," the zebra says. "However I am still not sure which is correct. All God told me was 'You are what you are'."

"There you see! You are white with black stripes!" Exclaims St. Peter.

"How can you be sure?"asks the zebra.

"If you were black with white stripes, God would have said 'You is what you is'."

Well, I am off to finish up the book I currently have in the office "Hornet's Nest" by Patricia Cornwell. Hope you all have a happy Humpday, and we'll talk at ya later!!


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