Friday, June 17

Heading Into the Weekend

Whew! Taking a breather after the gym! Got a day planned out, that feels full, but most of it isn't. Headed to Preacher Tom's to help show him the basics of using Facebook, then we are off to the movies to watch 'X-Men: First Class". It was going to be "Fast Five" but yesterday I overslept, and now that movie has left the theaters that we go to.

Tomorrow shall be a somewhat long day. Heading with the family to Tuscon to look for apartments for the Daughter. I should look up some other places tonight when I get back home. Then next week, as I am sure we will find one this weekend... and if it is ready, I know she will want to move in as soon as possible. Heck, I want her to, so she will get off my couch. That, and we will be finally able to get my oldest son into the room she will be vacating. PT has agreed to help with the loading/unloading on the subsequent trip with her stuff once she can move in. That'll be a big help! Fewer stairs for me!

I finally got around to scheduling the follow-up appointment with my regular doc. It was supposed to be back in March, but I just put it off with the whole insurance change that we went through. Now I will have some positive stuff for him... like lowered Blood Pressure (maybe I can get off my meds) and obvious ones like the weight-loss, working out, better diet.

Still pulling out shorts that I haven't been able to wear for nearly a year. It's almost like a whole new wardrobe, and makes me feel really good. I set a personal goal to try to lose 25 more pounds before September. I need to start pushing it at the gym, watching what I eat a little more, curb the portions down a bit more, and concentrate on that goal.

No plans as of yet for July 4th holiday. I know my bro, Scotty B, is coming down to claim the car I am giving him. I still need to get it cleaned out. I got the front of the van I drive partially done now... it just gets too hot throughout most of the sunlit day to work out there doing that. Though, part of the car is done, now as well.

Okay, I need to get stuff done before leaving the house.


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