Wednesday, June 1

At This Rate ....

I've never been in any type of accident, vehicle-wise or other, where I can remember hurting so bad, as I have the past 24 hours or so. Seemingly millions of bicycle crashes/wipeouts, and the scarred knees and elbows, are no match in memory for what I am experiencing. And today, that is a bit diminished than it was yesterday, though, it doesn't feel like much. I have been on a steady ibuprofen regime every 5-6 hours, sleep or not, as I usually wake up when it is wearing off and ready for another dose. I am thinking it is brought on by having clenched my jaw in sleep and the steady pressure, add in an irregular bite, has "shifted" the regular position of m teeth, and that is the cause of this all. Reminds me of when I had braces, and the 3-4 days after a visit to the ortho doc, would leave me feeling similar (though, in my recollection, never this bad).

I think back prior to my root canals, and crowns, and how bad I had let my teeth get over the previous 20-odd years.... Abscessed tooth, and all, must have been a gradual pain I learned to tolerate, until I got them fixed. I remember the first few weeks after the root canals, that I was happier than I had been in months. I think it was the constant pain, though I was more used to it then, that made me so crabby, etc. It's a good theory if nothing else. Because I know right now, I am not the happiest person around these parts.

Yes. Another day of pity-party for me.


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