Saturday, December 19

Aches, Pains, Cold , and Goals

 It has been mentioned here before, about how achy I get in the joints, especially since it has finally started turning a bit more to the chilly side here in AZ. According to my phone, 10 minutes ago it was 40 degrees, which I consider slightly chill. I definitely would put on a light jacket to go outside. The bad knee has been acting worse than normal... of course, I "popped" something in it last weekend. It was weird. Often my knees pop - like popping knuckles - when I stand after sitting for awhile, but this time it was different. I was putting on shoes and socks, had my foot up on the opposite knee, and leaned forward slightly. Suddenly there was a "pop" noise and a sharp pain on the backside of the knee. My first thought was the knee had finally broken/given way...or a bone separated from the joint. Those thoughts turned to possibly a tendon tear/rip. I asked the Wife what she thought (her being a PT) and she could not determine any damage. I was walking on it, with only a small reminder of the pain when I twist/turn the lower leg in a certain direction. Still giving me issues this morning, but not as bad as earlier in the week, so I am guessing it is healing, or my body is just adjusting to it.

Rm caught it yesterday. But I hit my goal of reading at least 175 books this year. As of right now I am at 177, and I might get one more finished prior to the end of year. I have a feeling that next year that number will be lower. With me working now, the time to read has gone a bit to the side, as I try not to spend too much time out at the pubs - where I did quite a bit of reading. I just find it hard to get in the reading mode at home, where there are other distractions and requirements of my time. Maybe some century when we have gotten through the 40 years of hoarding the MIL did, and get our stuff unpacked and put away, I'll be able to create me a reading niche at home. It's nice to dream sometimes.

My sleeping has been better the past month. Most nights I can get to bed around 9pm, and sleep through 6am without too much effort. I still wake a few times during the night, but am able to roll over and go back to sleep. In fact last night, I was asleep by 10pm and slept through until 8am this morning, when the bladder decided there was no more time to be ignored. Damn bladder.


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