Monday, December 7

Something A Little Creepy

 I didn't share it in the last post because I got so busy rambling on about shopping (who knew I could talk so much about a thing I hate to do). But there was a creepy thing that happened Saturday night.

I had gone to bed a little later than usual. I think it was around 11'ish. I WAS tired. Not quite sure when the Wife came to bed, but I'm guessing it was around the 12-1am slot, as usual for her. I have the vague memory of her getting into bed, then of I rolling over and going back to sleep.

It was dark still, meaning sometime before 5:30, when I woke. And I mean woke - the kind when you are dead asleep and into instant wakefulness the next instant. At first I was thinking "What the...." when I heard the noise. It was a distinct sound of someone walking down the hallway, in our direction. How can I know this? Well, the hall way is linoleum tiled, and it has a 90 degree turn halfway down, that leads the rest of the ay to our bedroom, and the study. The steps were like those of a person, casually strolling down the first part of the hall, coming from the living room.

The steps stopped. I was like "Who....?" when it dawned on me, that those were shoes. Like a hard sole men's dress show, or boots. And the only ones home were The Wife, myself and our Youngest. Maybe it was the middle Child just off work coming by to "play" on the computer... Except his schedule doesn't include that night. The steps had stopped, about where the turn in the hall way was.

Should I get up? Should I check the time? My cane is by the door, and my gun is in the cabinet behind my bedroom door. But whoever it is could rush the rest of the hall and get here before I could get any of that if he heard me. 

The steps started again, and I heard 6 of them - enough to put them in our doorway. I was looking. I couldn't see anything moving. I heard no doors open. I heard nothing.

I began to sonder what I should do, when I decided if something were going to happen, I was going to kill them unless they killed me first. SO I literally jumped from the bed and lunged to the door. Nothing was there. I opened the Study door, to see if it was the Middle child  in there - nothing. I walked all the way to the front door - nothing.

I lay back down and started wondering if I was losing it. I have 4 cats -not by choice of mine - could it have been any of them? Well, I know three at least spend most of the night in our room, on Wife's side of bed. The last one usually sleeping on furniture on Wife's side of room. And how would they make step sounds coming towards the room? Two different instances? The house haunted? I've been in here a year and a half, never heard anything before.

After pondering it for a few minutes, I categorized it as an auditory illusion created by waking too abruptly from a deep sleep. Only thing I could come up with that made sense. I never did check the time. I never told the Wife about it.

And I promptly rolled over, and went back to sleep.


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